Updated: February 5, 2021, 9:01 PM
Well, Hello Matador, Sunshine Eyes, and Y'all!
Zipidity zip zip zip. I feel so much better after being physically down off and on since January 2, 2021 - I think it was from the B shot taken on December 31, 2020. Later I did not feel its boost, felt lightheaded, nearly fell over backward several times, and then on the 2nd, I told Leonard that I need to lie down because I was racing through my words and had a dizzy-like feeling. From the sofa, I went to bed.
Days when I had a little energy, I saved them for Lil' Ranger, Leonard, and raked the garden, and after I left home, I was back in bed upon returning. The good thing about this situation was that I never felt mentally unbalanced, just physically tired as I watched TV from or read and ate in bed. Yes, after being together for almost 20 years, I moved the TV into the master bedroom for COVID-19, just in case.
When I was at my doctor's appointment in December, he agreed with me. He said, "No Pfizer and No Moderna vaccine for you." My doctor and I override the CDC. My doctor said that Johnson and Johnson and [Oxford]-AstraZeneca would have vaccines, but I AM only interested in Oxford-AstraZeneca and still waiting on its final data. My doctor also said, "You're the only one I know of who's unaffected by COVID isolation." As I told him, I like being alone.
My issue with vaccines (medications, foods as such) is the reactions. I AM too sensitive to a lot of things on the market. There is a substance on the market that acts as a nerve agent - I can still speak and move my head, but paralyzed from below my neck. I thought I was having a stroke but able to talk. Another substance affects me within a few minutes: I AM sick, nauseous, and left with a severe migraine headache after smelling it.
In 2005, I had a two-shot vaccine and did not feel well, but it was mild, requiring no medical attention. After eating yogurt, I made it to the ER due to a mild anaphylactic reaction. I had asthmatic responses (difficulty breathing) due to cleaners, medications, perfumes (other stuff), and after I entered Goodwill, Walmart, Panera Bread, and a doctor's office. You all do not know how it feels unless you suffered through lack of air or have seen others go through the same thing.
On the day of the Biden-Harris Inauguration, I put Biden's license plate onto Cara Rae-Zephyr's front - the second-best behind the U.S. Army plates - Oorah! Leonard saw it and complimented on how good it looked. I said, "The Biden Mobile, Pappie. The Biden Mobile." You all know, the Batmobile - Batman!
On the 16th, we had guests over - the family of six plus a boyfriend quarantined for either four weeks and six days or over five weeks. The family's co-heads are in the medical field and have been tested frequently since November 2020. Only five showed up because the eldest daughter and her boyfriend went back to Detroit. At first, I had everyone wearing masks until I had a good talk with the co-heads and felt that we all would be all right. The next day, I said to myself that I would not do that again.
Last weekend, Drew drove to Miami and returned with Turtle. Do you remember what he said to his sister, the retired Palm Beach sheriff, "Sit your ass down!" She sure did. Well, Leonard and Turtle went fishing and stayed at the hotel in Okeechobee and had a great time, and then Sunday, they returned after 1:30 PM. Leonard came to the passenger side of my car and got Lil' Ranger and his bed.
Ranger 1 was not feeling well earlier morning, and I took him to the veterinarian. When he followed me into my bathroom, he would not look up at me, just sat with his head drooped over. He always looks up at me with his brown eyes, licks on me, or is on his back, wanting a quick belly rub or getting into some mischief. Twice I tried to pick him up, and he yelped. I called Leonard and then the vet. Lil' Ranger had blood in his urine, bladder filled with urine, elevated bloodwork, so they tested his pancreas (negative for pancreatitis). I still wanted X-rays; his hind knee caps move out of the socket. He may need orthopedic surgery later.
Ranger 1 was toasted (drugged up!), leaning left as he walked. He would not stay in bed, so I got what I needed and then put him on the bed. He fell over slowly to his left, and then I pulled the comforter toward me, put him on my lap so that he could sleep off the two pain injections. The vet wanted me to give him medication at 9 PM, but I did not - I waited. At 11 PM, he was wide awake, playing with papa at the edge of the bed. Leonard said to give him the pain medicine, and I did not because I do not want my dog drugged up. From the way he was moving and wagging his little tail, he was fine without pain.
Before 11 PM, Leonard and Turtle were out on the back patio, and then I looked through the window, and Gator was at the bar with his mask hanging from his right ear. I went to the sliding glass door, gave Leonard a look, and with my lips pursed (nostrils possibly flared open), I twitched my head to the left. As I passed by after using the bathroom, Leonard and Turtle had on their masks. I assumed so did Gator. Before leaving, Leonard tried to give me a smooch, and I said, "Uh, uh!" He and Turtle went to the home that the family from Detroit, Michigan, owns to stay the night, and the next day he drove to Miami to drop Turtle off at home.
This past Monday, I was so tired after waking that I was back in bed after 11 AM, but first, I made sure to add lots of fruits and vegetables to my sandwich and doubled up on fruits. I slept for over seven hours, and then after I woke at 6:29 PM, I knew that my body was pulling through from whatever had a hold on me. Tuesday through Thursday, I had a little diluted coffee for the extra boost, and as of today, I did not need any.
This week, since I felt so much better, I cleaned the house, folded the clean laundry that had stacked up for a few weeks, and even removed spider webs and egg sacks yesterday from the outside patio screen. Of course, I took the eggs outside of the patio and rubbed the brush on the coconut tree's husk, and also dusted off the rest onto the grass. I scooped from the pool a few fallen clumps of egg sacks and placed them on the coconut tree's husk.
Have you all had a chance to visit The White House Website? Seeing The Biden-Harris Administration worded on its Website made me feel good. I think it was Wednesday when John Kerry talked about the climate change and said Obama-Biden Administration but only referred to Biden Administration without Harris. Shortly after that, when Biden spoke, he said the Biden-Harris Administration, and I did a pulldown fist pump. That's my man! Oh, yes, the American Sign Language (ASL) interpreter(s) was the added touch on inclusivity.
Before closing: To my Sunshine Eyes, yes, I saw it the first time - 2nd was a confirmation, and the 3rd, which was still on the 2nd, had me laughing. I thought about coming home but a little nervous about doing so. It has been some time since I did before. I want to make sure that you are okay with me doing so - you know, with the pandemic as such.