Almost daily, I think about what I will write. You may have asked why you? Your story began in fall 2000 when I was in Pennsylvania at the Ronald McDonald house because a newborn girl needed surgery to survive. While there, the staff assigned chores for the families, while outside volunteers came in to serve them. One evening, a small group of officers from the CIA were in the kitchen's front portion, when I was in the back stocking milk into the refrigerator. They looked so happy, laughing, and talking amongst themselves, and they did not know that I was back there, peeking from behind. I was so close to them that if I had a toy paintball gun, I would have dinged them in their asses and one male in the front before someone would have hauled me off and then tossed the keys.
Second, after I came to in 2011, I saw on paper, Nevada is the government's work. Fern knows a secret too... Third, either 2013 or 2014, See Aiea came through while typing, and I said, "No," because it has four syllables, while the CIA has three. Fourth, in 2014, while in Washington, D.C., Leonard and I stopped at a souvenir truck, and I got a black hoodie CIA sweatshirt.
Fifth, I did not know the CIA's connection to Area 51 after its Twitter #FlashbackFriday post on July 24, 2020, about the Angel plane. Shortly after the tweet, I remembered Nevada, Michelle's Will, her Wishing Well, and I mentioned east coast states and then flooded in 2011.
Sixth, last year, Return to Witch Mountain (1975) was on my mind about the CIA and that the CIA is your family. Seventh, May 2020, while taking a shower, the CIA referred to as 'The Addams Family' "snap, snap."
Eighth, Instagram on July 23, 2020 - "A Contingency for Every Action," by James Dietz: At first, I wanted to choose the plane, but it was too small to research. A few years ago, I saw a vision of pamphlets dropped from inside a plane and knew it was World War II. Since childhood, I have watched many German and Holocaust movies, but I do not remember seeing pamphlets dropped from planes. As a child, I believed I was not alone while sitting in front of the TV watching these movies. On August 4, 2020, your Twitter post was about leaflets dropped from airplanes during Operation DESERT STORM over Iraqi locations. I asked Leonard if he had seen them, but he does not recall.
Ninth, in summer 2013, I watched a show on TV about Dictator Adolf Hitler. Afterward, someone on the other side put the Swastika on my mind to learn how it's hidden in plain sight. It happened while in my altered state of mind that I did on purpose, to check if what happened in 2011 would occur, but shown the Swastika, and then I stopped what I was doing because it may lead to death. Since then, I learned that the Swastika was in existence before Hitler used it as a sign of hate.
The other side taught those whose minds opened to think outside the box, and from time to time, I see the Swastika hidden in symbols, even while driving - of course, in my opinion.
Return to Witch Mountain. (1975).
The Addams Family. (1964).
Posted September 1, 2020 11:58 PM
Last Updated September 3, 2020 3:49 PM